lunedì 7 Dicembre 2015


“Placing Bullying as a Priority in the European Agenda”

European Parliament, Brussels, December 9th, 2015


Athens/Brussels, 30 November 2015


It is our great pleasure to announce the 2nd International Conference of the European Anti-bullying Network (EAN) that will be held at the European Parliament in Brussels on 9 December 2015.

Under the aegis of host MEP Mr. Miltiadis Kyrkos (S&D) and the overall theme of “Placing Bullying as a Priority in the European Agenda”, the Conference will bring together EAN member organizations, policy and decision makers from EU institutions, Members of the European Parliament, academia as well as law enforcement authorities and members of civil society organizations active in the field of child protection and children’s rights.

The aim of the conference is to showcase the multiple dimensions of bullying, a phenomenon with widespread consequences, and the pressing need for a coordinated and harmonized European response and strategy spearheaded by the European Parliament.

Keynote speaker of the conference will be Prof. Peter K. Smith, Emeritus Professor, Dpt of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London who will present the topic “Bullying amongst children and young people: Prevalence, consequences, and effective response”.

During the conference a series of thematic topics that are touching upon different aspects and forms of bullying will be presented and discussed among participants. Participants will focus primarily on refugee and immigrant bullying, LGBTQI youth and bullying and cyber-bullying, whereas ways of empowering children and promising practices will be shared. The EAN conference will be preceded the day before (8 December 2015) by EAN’s Board of Directors and General Assembly meetings.

EAN was established in 2014 as a result of the respective EU-funded (Daphne III) project and was officially registered in Brussels in March 2015, while today it already comprises 19 members from 14 EU Member States (Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden and UK). The Presidency of the European Anti-bullying Network is held by the Greek NGO “The Smile of the Child”.

Among the main objectives of the network is to coordinate anti-bullying actions on the European level, campaign for a common European strategy on the phenomenon and raise awareness among the general public, children, parents and teachers.

Learn more about EAN on its website

For the full agenda of the conference, click here.

For more information on this event please contact us at or +30 210 33 06 140.

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