What does it really mean to give young people who are neither studying nor working a new opportunity? Is it possible to turn a period of stagnation into a springboard to a brighter future? AmuNEET was born from these very questions, with the intention of offering young NEETs in Sicily a concrete opportunity to and grow, both professionally and personally.
At the end of September and the beginning of October, the three mid-term evaluation meetings of the AmuNEET project were held in Greece, Portugal and Spain. The project supports young NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training) from Sicily by facilitating their transition to employment through a work-based learning experience in another EU country in order to integrate them into society and the labour market.
Halfway through the mobility experience abroad, 3 months after the arrival of the participants in the three destinations of Syros (Greece), Lisbon (Portugal) and Tàrrega (Spain), the CESIE ETS tutor together with the psychologist from the University of Palermo, project partner in charge of the evaluation and monitoring activities from the beginning, went to visit the young people who are carrying out their training and work experience in the three countries.
The CESIE and UNIPA team met the tutors of the host organisations Κέντρο Έρευνας & Ανάπτυξης Ι.Μ. Σύρου, Aproximar, Associació Alba to monitor the progress of the project activities and met with the group of participants through individual meetings and focus groups to assess the situation of each participant and the general progress of the activities.

In addition to in-depth meetings with the host organisations and the participants, CESIE ETS and UNIPA’s representative held individual interviews with all the tutors of the companies hosting the training placements and guiding the participants in an intense professional and personal learning pathway, in different work sectors: from communication to child education, from sport to hotel reception, from catering to the maintenance of green areas.
The boys and girls have shown great improvement in learning the language and integrating into the social environment of their host cities. Despite the minor difficulties commonly encountered in everyday life, the participants have shown great commitment, enthusiasm and perseverance in continuing to learn and achieving the personal and professional goals that each of them has set for themselves.
The course continues for another 3 months of experience and growth, during which the participants can still count on the support of their host organisations and the coordinating organisation.
Upon their return the participants will be involved in a follow-up period during which orientation activities will be carried out to accompany them to the world of work.
The possibility to carry out this experience abroad is a unique opportunity for many of them and is already positively marking their path, at the end of which it is hoped that everyone will find their place in the labour market and in the world.
Find out more at https://amuneet.eu/ and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
About AmuNEET
AmuNEET – Mobility against youth unemployment in Sicily is a project funded by the European Social Fund Agency of Lithuania (ESFA).
- CESIE (Italy, Coordinator)
- Associació Alba (Spain)
- KEA – Centre of research and development of Syros (Greece)
- APROXIMAR, Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social, CRL (Portugal)
- UNIPA- Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche, dell’Esercizio Fisico e della Formazione (Italy)
- EURES Sicilia (Italy)
For further information
Read more about the project, visit https://amuneet.eu/ and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Contact Bala Ram Gaire: balaram.gaire@cesie.org.