Promoting the rights of the child

    We're on a mission to make the world a safer place for every child by preventing all forms of violence against them, ensuring child protection and encouraging their active participation.

    *We understand a child to be every human being below the age of eighteen years old as defined by the UN - Convention of the Rights of the Child.



    We strongly believe every child has the right to grow in a safe and supporting environment where they feel protected, they are free from all forms of abuse including neglect, exploitation and violence, and their rights are guaranteed so they can develop their full potential. Specifically:

    Raising awareness

    about children’s rights and the prevention of child abuse.

    Creating safe environments

    where children are protected from harm both online and offline.

    Building the capacity of people

    including professionals, teachers and children themselves in order to prevent, identify and support victims of child abuse in all its forms through innovative educational methodologies.

    Giving a voice to children

    through their active participation and consultation in matters which concern them.

    Supporting the development

    of child protection policies
    among their extensive network of partners and stakeholders to establish processes which proactively protect children.


    Because we care and because working with children requires the right approach, we are determined to take action to promote children’s rights and their safeguarding by: 


    Having the best interest of the child at heart

    as a right, a principle and a rule of procedure based on an assessment of all elements of a child’s or children’s interests in a specific situation both in the public and private sphere which must be determined on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration their personal context, situation and need. The full application of the concept of the child's best interests requires the development of a rights-based approach, engaging all actors, to secure the holistic physical, psychological, moral and spiritual integrity of the child and promote his or her human dignity.

    A child-centered approach

    meaning keeping the child in focus when making decisions about their lives and working in partnership with them and their families.

    A trauma-informed approach

    grounded in the understanding that trauma exposure can impact an individual’s development. This approach places safety, building trust, shared decision-making, collaboration, empowerment and cultural consideration as key principles.

    A bottom up approach

    meaning that all activities and training proposed, at school and outside, in curricular and extracurricular settings are co-designed with the different target groups they are addressed to.

    Gender and cultural sensitivity

    which involves approaching people and children specifically while valorising the diverse backgrounds they belong to and considering how their gender, socioeconomic, cultural and linguistic background could affect their lives.

    Non-formal education

    such as gaming, arts and creativity to encourage professional and children’s engagement and foster personal and collective growth through critical thinking.


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    News & information

    Resources and interactive content

    JERICHO – Flyer for youths

    JERICHO – Flyer for youths

    The flyer ‘What if I’m not as safe as I think I am?’ is a small pocket guide focused on promoting healthy relationships and identifying signs of exploitation.

    PIVOT – Thematic Modules

    PIVOT – Thematic Modules

    The training modules aim to raise awareness among young people about the following issues: EU functions and roles, migration, climate change, and gender equality.

    Do you want to be part of this process?

    See available resources, learn about current initiatives or write to us for more information at:

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