Think Twice: enhancing media literacy in education and meeting the challenges of the future

Monday 21 October 2024

Home » School » Think Twice: enhancing media literacy in education and meeting the challenges of the future

The modern education system struggles to keep up with the rapid changes in the flow of information to which we are constantly exposed.

According to a 2019 Eurobarometer survey, more than half of EU citizens encounter misinformation on a weekly basis. Think Twice was created to respond to this challenge by improving media literacy and providing educators and students with the tools they need to navigate the digital world with greater awareness. The project represents a crucial opportunity for skill development in both categories.

The partnership involves eight international organizations from seven European countries-Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Croatia, Romania, France and Portugal-all with extensive experience in the educational sector and the evolution caused by the advent of the Internet and digital technologies. The common goal is to identify concrete ways to support the target audience by providing in-depth knowledge on digital literacy.

The consortium also aims to address the growing problem of online misinformation by focusing on innovative content, effective methodologies and systematic dissemination of essential skills.

The project uses a multidisciplinary approach that includes workshops, webinars, and educational tools to achieve its goals. The main outcome will be the development of an educational game, designed to bring media literacy into the classroom, to studentɜ of all ages, adaptable in-presence, online or independently.

Join our innovative journey and discover how, together, we can re-imagine the future of media literacy.

For more information and to participate in the project, contact Sara Ibrahim:

About the project

Think Twice – Supporting the Development of Media Literacy in Education is a project funded by ERASMUS Lump Sum Grant.


For further information

Read more about the project and visit

Contact Sara Ibrahim:

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