LION – Recommendation for e-learning in Second Chance Education

Monday 29 June 2015

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[su_heading size=”20″]Recommendation for e-learning in Second Chance Education[/su_heading]

LION-10-Recommendation-for-e-learning-in-second-chance-education-1The document explains concepts and experiences that can help to counter the threat of disadvantaged youngsters to feel left behind and marginalised by globalisation and the digital revolution, through educational and training programs. It explores:

  • the characteristics of participants in second chance education and their implications for e-learning concepts;
  • Review of existing e learning offers in second chance schools;
  • Requirement for e learning concepts in the second-chance education.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” background=”#eee” color=”#333″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”10″ icon=”icon: file-pdf-o” icon_color=”#333″]Download LION – World of learning: Quality of the teachers (learning, living, working)[/su_button]

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CREATE – Training Toolkit

CREATE – Training Toolkit

This toolkit will enable artists to follow The Capacity Building course through all the training contents that the CREATE consortium has developed. The training materials comprise a combination of activities with text files, PPT presentations, case studies and videos which will be freely and openly available through the Virtual Knowledge Hub of the project.