- To provide a new approach to promote volunteering among young people as a resource of personal empowerment.
- To validate skills and competences developed mainly by youngsters during their volunteering experience.
- To help young people understand the global benefits of volunteering in their life in terms of social integration and (re)engagement, civic participation, mobility opportunities, discovery of hidden talents etc.
- To focus on young people already involved in volunteer activities and who have never experienced volunteering (specific focus on NEETs and young people with migration background).
- Carry out social research on youth volunteering in Europe.
- Design and deliver a training course on the topic of validation of learning outcomes in volunteering services for at least 15 multipliers working for volunteering organisations in 6 partner countries.
- Test the VALLEY methodology based on the LEVEL5 validation system with at least 30 young people from 6 partner countries that will take part in a volunteering activity and apply the validation methodology.
- Delivery of national workshops to share experiences, final conference and award ceremony for European stakeholders to make visible VALLEY, volunteering projects and initiatives for validating learning outcomes.
- Set up a European community of volunteering organisations and stakeholders with the use of social networks.
- Community and e-platform to share good practices and make available updated information on volunteering opportunities for youngsters.
- LEVEL5 validation methodology and validation system for competencies.
- Qualification for professionals and multipliers in the volunteering sector.
- Online toolbox consisting of the methodology, volunteers mentoring guidelines for staff/trainers, good practice examples and practical information on how to join the VALLEY community and use the e-platform.
- Coordinator: Bupnet Bildung Und Projekt Netzwerk Gmbh (Germany)
- Die Berater Unternehmensberatungs GmbH (Austria)
- The Association for the Promotion of Women in Romania (Romania)