- To enhance transnational cooperation and exchange on integrating women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation (VoT) in the labour market.
- To foster access of women VoT to gender-specific services with a particular focus on employment support.
- Increasing awareness among employers, recruiters, policymakers and other relevant stakeholders on the importance of facilitating access of women VoT to the labour market.
- Transnational good practice network establishing links with relevant stakeholders at the national, EU, and international level.
- Website for sharing network information and experiences.
- National info-days.
- Transnational exchange workshops to share experiences and challenges with key stakeholders and among partners.
- Transnational project steering committee meetings.
- Creation of a guide for integrated service provision to women VoT to support access to employment.
- National reports summarizing project results.
- Development of a communication and awareness-raising strategic plan.
- Creation of a visual identity kit.
- Creation of a project information leaflet, and of a leaflet about available support services.
- Development of a short informative video.
- Organization of a final conference.
- Summary of the final conference recommendations for policymakers, state authorities, civil society organizations, and other local and national stakeholders.
- Transnational good practice network establishing links with relevant stakeholders at the national, EU, and international level
- Creation of a guide for integrated service provision to women VoT to support access to employment
- Coordinator: Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias Kai Paidiou (KMOP, Greece)
- Asociatia Ecumenica a Bisericilor din Romania (AIDRom, Romania)
- Animus Association Foundation AAF (Animus, Bulgaria)
- CESIE (Italy)
- Differenza Donna Associazione di Donne Contro la Violenza alle Donne Onlus (DD, Italy)
- LEFO (Austria)