- To help to ingrate minors with an intellectual disability (in French under the syndroms called TED and DIP) into the community-based support structures in line with the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe CM/Rec(2010)2
- To promote the quality and the internationalisation of innovative practices and pedagogies of socio-educational staff working with TEDDIP youth
- To reinforce professional EU networking and training, to give more value to educators working with TEDDIP youth and to provide them with the opportunity to exchange working practices and methodologies
- To strengthen the sense of belonging and enhance EU citizenship of young TEDDIP
- Conducting a thorough analysis, in reference to each national context, on the state of de-institutionalization of the support structures for young TEDDIP and of the normative context led by national government
- Creating a good practice guide of experiences and methods to be used by the socio-educators working with TEDDIP youth
- Implementing 5 short-term mobilities targeted at educators and TEDDIP youth giving them an opportunity to participate in experiments and educational workshops on professional practices of partner organizations
- Creating an educational video showing the experiences, workshops and methods implemented during the short-term mobilities
- Producing the recommendations in order to give suggestions to institutions at the local/ National and European levels to enhance the rights of young TEDDIP and foster their inclusion
- National reports on the state of de-institutionalization of the support structures for young TEDDIP
- TEDDIP’Europe Good Practice Guide
- TEDDIP’Europe Educational Video
- TEDDIP’Europe Recommendations “White Book”
- Coordinator: Association Joseph Sauvy (France)
- ALFMED Académie de langues France Meditérranée (France)
- Association Image Mémoire Corps (France)
- Centre d’educació especial Les aigües (Spain)
- Eppas o.s. (Czech Republic)