LIAISON – Mutual Learning for Intercultural Appreciation and Strengthened Organisational Networks

Home » Projects » Intercultural Dialogue » LIAISON – Mutual Learning for Intercultural Appreciation and Strengthened Organisational Networks


  • To promote intercultural understanding among different groups (locals, migrant communities, Muslim communities).
  • To build the capacity of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), migrant associations (MAs) and Muslim communities to work together to promote the sharing of skills fostering cross-cultural mutual knowledge and tolerance.
  • To strengthen cooperation between CSOs, MAs and Muslim communities, community leaders and local authorities empowering them to work together to improve dialogue and mutual understanding.
  • To actively involve the aforementioned groups in the promotion of joint initiatives aimed at scaling up the mutual learning methodology and at raising awareness on its potential to prevent hatred.


  • Participatory study: a community-based participatory study will be carried out based on 1) Desk research, mapping of cultural communities coexisting in each partner’s local context and 2) Community-based analysis based on Focus Groups and Interviews
  • Organisational Empowerment Programme: aiming at building the capacity of CSOs and MAs to work together and conduct skill-transfer workshops
  • Set up of the Intercultural City Committees: set up of 5 Intercultural City Committees composed of representatives of CSOs, MAs, community leaders and local authorities to support LIAISON’s activities
  • Design of an Intercultural City Cooperation Model: proposing a sustainable cooperation road-map bringing together third sector, local authorities and local communities. It will be composed of transnational guidelines for the third sector and policy recommendation for local authorities
  • The organisation of info-sessions for authorities and local stakeholder forums
  • Awareness-raising campaigns (school labs, project fairs, final conference)


  • Community-based participatory study
  • Skill maps
  • OEP implementation public report
  • Intercultural City Cooperation Model
  • Memorandum of understanding


  • At least 500 community members reached through the skill-transfer workshops and LIAISON fairs
  • At least 150 representatives from the local community and relevant stakeholders attending the final conference
  • At least 2000 people from different cultural communities, organisations and public institutions through project activities and awareness-raising campaign


The project

LIAISON – Mutual Learning for Intercultural Appreciation and Strengthened Organisational Networks

Project number

Implementation date

03/02/2020 – 02/04/2022


DG JUST – REC-RACI Action Grant to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance and to monitor, prevent and counter hate speech online



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