- To improve active citizenship and local development of European rural areas by increasing a sense of ownership of the European Union among one of the most marginalized inhabitants: women
- To share European rural women cultures and traditions and the problems faced in European rural areas
- To discuss on how Europe can improve rural women life quality
- To learn about intercultural learning process
- To elaborate creative strategies to develop active participation and a European identity within women coming from rural European areas and to improve the participation of men in this process
- Presentations and group discussions about the difficulties faced by women who live in the rural areas, gender discrimination in European rural areas, women’s rights, equal opportunities and rural Europe
- Reflection groups on legal instruments to prevent gender discrimination in rural Europe
- Development of skills and competences in European funding opportunities and project building
- Creative groups: strategies to improve women participation in rural areas
- Development of new European projects
- Coordinator: CESIE – European Centre of Studies and Initiatives (Italy)
- Mediterranean SOS Network and Polydynamo Center for Social Intervention (Greece)
- NGO Generating Ideas (Estonia)
- Positive Mind (Latvia)
- Bulgarian Network for Child and Youth Trafficking Prevention (Bulgaria)
- OCRE – Associacao para a Valorizacao do Ambiente, Cultura, Patrimonio e Lazer (Portugal)
- AkiDwa- African Women’s Network (Ireland)
- Biedriba Skalbes (Latvia)
- Overhalla kommune (Norway)
- Progresit (Slovakia)
- Prosvasi NGO (Cyprus)