- To facilitate the integration of third-country-national (TCN) women victims of trafficking (VoT) for the purpose of sexual exploitation through promoting a comprehensive healing process based on competence-building, psychological support to women and enhanced cooperation between actors;
- To encourage networking and collaboration between key actors working with women VoT, fostering a shared understanding of the identified needs and rights among women VoT, employers and support service providers;
- To foster TCN women VoT’s employment-related skills and psychological recovery through an innovative recovery and integration programme;
- To raise awareness among TCN women VoT about their rights and services they are entitled to, and among the general public about the importance of integration to counteract trafficking in human beings.
- Mapping exercise and field needs assessment;
- Networking among key actors;
- Development of Recovery and Integration programme;
- Delivery of the programme and transfer to support service providers;
- Implementation of online and face-to-face awareness raising events.
- National reports on needs of TCN women VoT, service providers and employers;
- Public report from roundtables in Italy, Spain, Greece and Romania;
- European Anthology of best practices and future recommendations;
- Recovery and Integration programme:
- Fanzines creatively sharing the women’s experiences.
- Shared and improved understanding of the identified needs and improved cooperation between TCN women VoT, service providers and employers;
- Fostered socio-economic integration of TCN women VoT through their enhanced psycho-social wellbeing and newly gained employment-related skills;
- Strengthened capacity of local service providers through the transfer of HEAL programme and database;
- Enhanced awareness among women VoT, service providers, employers and general public of the rights and services available for VoT’s support, and of methodologies and tools promoted by HEAL.
- CESIE (Italy, coordinator)
- KMOP (Greece)
- Fundació Surt (Spain)
- PATRIR (Romania)
- LIBERA (Italy)