- To provide volunteers with employability and soft skills for their future careers.
- To introduce participants to the significance of leading a balanced life combining office work and outdoor activities.
- To strengthen the principle of social inclusion through voluntary work using international and local approaches.
- To promote interaction, reciprocal understanding and intercultural integration among local beneficiaries.
- Hosting at CESIE of 12 European volunteers coming from Greece, France, Latvia, Spain, Slovenia and Serbia.
- Design and implementation of creative activities and workshops for increasing migrants’ social and labour inclusion.
- Supporting administrative procedures at CESIE.
- Participation and support in activities and intercultural events organized by CESIE, Palermo.
- Football Tournament “Football for friendship”
- ENERGY+ Journal: Creative Workshops follow-up diary
- ENERGY+ Video: audio-visual presentation of Creative Workshops carried out by volunteers
- Coordinator: CESIE (Italy)
- Kinonikes Sineteristikes Drastiriotites Efpathon Omadon EDRA (Greece)
- Pistes-Solidaires (France)
- Biedriba “Pozitiva Doma” (Latvia)
- Asociación Mundus – Un Mundo a tus Pies – (Spain)
- Kulturno izobrazevalno drustvo PiNA (Slovenia)
- OSMEH – Organizacija za Solidarnost, Mobilnost, Ekologiju i Humanost mladih (Serbia)