- To stimulate creativity and innovation for youth workers in the EU context, to improve their key competences in their work in general and with migrants in particular
- To improve the quality of youth work and related services
- To promote new tools mixing non-formal education, ICT, Art and Creative Thinking to increase young migrants’ employability and social inclusion
- To increase awareness of youth workers on the current situations of young migrants in the EU countries regarding inclusion and employability
- To inform participants on the new Erasmus+ Programme for 2014/2020, giving special focus on active inclusion of youth and migrants project themes
From the 24th of May to the 1st of June 2015, 34 participants are involved in activities created to empower youth workers to include ICT, creative tools and various forms of art, in order to boost the employability and active inclusion of migrants. COHESION aims also at empowering furthermore youth workers’ own professional and personal development by enhancing their intercultural skills and competences, giving them the tools to create sensitization campaigns to reach their target in the best way. The TC methodology will be based mainly on the principles of non-formal education (with the organization of 3 parallel workshops: 1) Performance; 2) New Media; 3) Handmade Creative Thinking) besides theoretical sessions that require the active participation of the group.
- Coordinator: CESIE (Italy)
- Bulgarian Network for Human Rights Education (Bulgaria)
- Centre for European Initiatives Association (Bulgaria)
- UDRUGA “Veliki mali čovjek” (Croatia)
- Ceská sekce DCI – Sdruzení zastáncu detskych práv (Czech Republic)
- Continuous Action (Estonia)
- Divadlo bez domova (Slovakia)
- FLA-KULTUR (France)
- Asociatia Tineri Parteneri Pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile (Romania)
- Associação para a Formação Profissional e Desenvolvimento do Montijo (Portugal)
- Fundacja “InnCrea” (Poland)
- INTER ALIA (Greece)
- Lidosk (Turkey)
- Ayuntamiento De Murcia (Spain)
- Asocijacija NEL (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
- PINA (Slovenia)
- Pr’Animação – Associação de Animação Cultural (Portugal)
- RJOS Apvalus stalas (Lithuania)
- Community Action Dacorum (United Kingdom)