Children First – Addressing Gender Based Violence from the bottom-up

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  • To prevent and contrast school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) with particular focus on dating violence/relationship violence among children attending secondary schools with a bottom-up approach;
  • Developing a comprehensive training programme (face to face and online) for school teachers and educators with a CPD status providing them with appropriate tools to prevent and contrast incidents of SRGBV;
  • Developing and piloting a web-based game for children, challenging gender norms and stereotypes;
  • Designing and implementing an awareness raising and sensitization campaign promoting messages of gender equality and inclusion among children and young people.


  • Collecting evidence on the views of children and youth on gender-based violence occurring in teen relationships & on existing strategies & policies related to school gender-based violence & abuse;
  • Developing the contents and technical & graphic design of an online educational game for children challenging existing gender stereotypes and norms;
  • Developing a training programme addressed to educators & teachers with tools and guides on preventing and contrasting SRGBV;
  • Piloting the e-learning version of the training programme for educators and testing the online game for children;
  • Running social media, awareness raising & youth-led promoting messages of gender equality and inclusion shaping gender dynamics among children and young people.



  • Improved understanding of children & youth about the underlying social and cultural norms that reinforce gender inequities and impact negatively on gender dynamics (200 directly, 2000 indirectly);
  • Increased children & youth awareness about sex stereotypes and how such stereotypical thinking can lead to choices, attitudes and behaviours within their own relationships (200 directly, 2000 indirectly);
  • Teachers & educators empowered on how to identify and tackle cases of gender-based dating violence (350 directly, 500 indirectly);
  • Increased public awareness about gender-based violence in teen relationships and how such phenomena promote intolerance (more than 1,000 people).


The project

Children First – Addressing Gender Based Violence from the bottom-up

Project number

Implementation date

01/09/2019 – 31/08/2021


DG Justice – REC Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014 – 2020) – To prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children



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