- To improve the access to employment of young people by a volunteering experience.
- To foster the quality of tutoring for young volunteers, suitable tutoring benefits for the host organisations themselves as it contributes to the improvement of volunteers’ efficiency and to the positive impact on the local community they are serving.
- To ensure qualitative tutoring in an international context.
- To reinforce and professionalize youth organisations’ tutoring capacity and improve the quality of young volunteers’ tutoring throughout their whole experience in order to maximize its positive impact along with their personal and/or professional development.
- Training on tutoring and management of volunteers (France).
- European Voluntary Service mobility (Thailand, United States, Vietnam).
- Job shadowing (Thailand, United States and Vietnam).
- Final seminar and launch of the Online Mentoring Tool (Palermo).
- Training module for tutors of volunteering projects
- Good tutoring Portfolio for tutors of volunteering projects
- Online Mentoring Tool for volunteers as well as for sending and hosting organisations
- Coordinator: ADICE – Association pour le développement des initiatives citoyennes et européennes (France)
- VSA Thailand – Volunteer Spirit Association (Thailand)
- VAF – Supporting Center for disabled children integrate into community Vietnam and Friends (Vietnam)
- Liberty’s Promise (USA)
- CESIE (Italy)