PASSAGE Project has started!

Tuesday 13 July 2021

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Which are the school inclusion practices for Newly Arrived Minors in the countries of the European Union? How to promote their integration in a shared and effective long-term educational framework?

The PASSAGE – Pedagogies of passing from reception to education project’s objective is to develop new practices in order to contribute to the resolution of this urgent issue, involving schools and to raise political awareness on the issue of social inclusion of students with a migratory background.

PASSAGE, in fact, aims to implement inclusive learning from the very first moments of the integration process through two strategies:

  • Offering teachers educational tools and resources in order to support them in more effectively addressing systemic pedagogical challenges in the countries of the European Union.
  • Developing and promoting a mentoring program whereby students from local schools can contribute to the successful integration of newly arrived students.

In addition, recommendations will be developed for policy and decision makers at all levels, seeking to establish a set of minimum requirements for the effective transition of newly arrived children from care to education.

The methodology and approaches of the project will then be disseminated to key actors and other stakeholders, in order to strengthen the inclusiveness of educational approaches and to promote warm and culturally diverse school systems.

The first phase of the project took place in the last six months, in which the consortium carried out extensive desk and field research at the national level, investigating the state of the art on the school integration of newly arrived students from third countries. Each partner then reviewed the existing literature and conducted interviews, focus groups and online surveys involving teachers, stakeholders and policy makers in an attempt to identify gaps and challenges in existing policies, as well as currently implemented best practices and pedagogical approaches.

The research results will soon be published in National and Transnational Reports which will provide a comprehensive reference on the level of understanding, knowledge and awareness in issues related to the educational integration.

The Italian National Report developed by CESIE highlighted how, despite the number of laws and guidelines on the subject which have been issued in the last years, there is a need to update them and make them sustainable for all schools in Italy: what emerges today is that the most effective and innovative practices are developed by municipalities non-profit organizations and schools in an autonomous way.

About the project

PASSAGE – Pedagogies of passing from reception to education is cofunded by ERASMUS + programme, KA3, Support for the reform of policies “Social inclusion through education, training and youth”.


For further information

Read more about PASSAGE.
Contact Francesca Barbino:

Get Political: Empowering youth, building democracy

Get Political: Empowering youth, building democracy

Get Political is an innovative initiative that aims to improve the political culture and active participation of young people (15-30 years old) and youth workers. Through inclusive tools, practical experiences and educational resources, the project fills gaps in civic engagement by promoting dialogue between young people and policy-makers. The aim is to train new generations capable of shaping democratic change.