When human beings authentically inhabit places, it’s not just a one-way relationship: places also inhabit people and often influence the course of their lives, affecting and shaping their perspectives. Thousands of people walk the same streets every day, they visit the same places and hang out in the same locations. And it is precisely the places in common, the shared spaces, that bring people closer.
Orienteering can play a crucial role in this process of community building: through the practice of orienteering, people can have a more in-depth knowledge of their local reality and look at their environment under a new light. To harness the potential of orienteering, the ORIENT consortium has published the Curriculum, designed to be a learning tool for sport trainers and CSOs workers to integrate orienteering into their practices with young people.
The ORIENT Curriculum offers a glimpse into the world of orienteering and provides a specific framework to organize orienteering-based activities to foster the social inclusion of vulnerable young people. Thanks to the ORIENT Curriculum, sports trainers and CSOs’ workers will gain practical knowledge on how to organize mapping workshops to design orienteering routes with young people. Professionals can choose from a wide array of methodologies to carry out the type of orienteering that better suits the specific needs of the young people they work with.
By bringing young people with different social and cultural backgrounds together, orienteering can promote dialogue and increase the sense of belonging to a shared community, thus laying the foundation for the creation of more cohesive societies.
Download the ORIENT Curriculum or try the digital version.
About the project
ORIENT – Young explorers re-discover local communities through orienteering is cofinanced by Erasmus + SPORT, Collaborative Partnerships.
- CESIE (Italy, coordinator)
- BSDA – Bulgarian Sports Development Association (Bulgaria)
- WUS Austria – World University Service-Österreichisches Komitee (Austria)
- SMOC – Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Greece)
- CSI – Centre for Social Innovation (Cyprus)
For further information
Read more about ORIENT, visit the project website orientproject.eu and follow us on Facebook.
Contact Cloé Saint-Nom: cloe.saintnom@cesie.org.