MOSAIC +: A path marked by Multiple Intelligences

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Home » News » MOSAIC +: A path marked by Multiple Intelligences

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the MOSAIC + project has played a significant role in the path of holistic education, adopting a people-centric approach that aspires to transform how we perceive learning and the role of educators.

Over the course of these two project years, partners from Malta, Greece, and Italy have focused their work on the importance of cross-cutting skills in formal education. Recognizing that learning goes beyond the mere transmission of knowledge, the project aimed to seamlessly integrate skills such as communication, collaboration, and creative problem-solving into the daily teaching that children follow.

MOSAIC + embraces curriculum diversification and the adoption of innovative teaching methods. Starting from the premise that each student learns in unique ways, project partners have developed 48 activities based on diverse teaching methodologies that align with Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. These activities not only encourage a variety of learning styles but also allow educators to dynamically adapt to the class’s needs.

Additionally, six interactive games, three available online on the web site, and three board games, have been created to provide students with a unique opportunity to explore and develop their skills in a fun and engaging context.

In our ever-changing global context, where diversity plays a crucial role and education holds a strategic position, MOSAIC + represents a guide that sees diversification as a strength rather than a weakness and chooses to invest in it.

To explore MOSAIC + activities and games, visit the official website:!


MOSAIC+ Person-centred resources is a project funded by Type KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education BANDO 2021 – Round 1Cont.


For further information

Read more about MOSAIC+ and visit the web site

Contact Bruna Giunta: