TeenTalks: a journey to discover comprehensive sexuality education

Friday 12 April 2024

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What does “making Comprehensive Sexuality Education” mean? What topics are we talking about? Do we feel good doing this, as educators, in all the contexts we go through? How much of our identity do we bring in? What skills do we need? Do we own them?

It is with these questions in mind that we have once again organized an intensive training for the educational community on the topic of Comprehensive Sexuality Education. The “TeenTalks” series of meetings, organized as part of the LOVEACT project last March, brought together a large group of teachers, educators, activists and professionals in the field of education, aware of the need to create more and more spaces for discussion and reflection, as well as exchange of knowledge, because the process of interaction with adolescents on the topic of sexuality must necessarily pass through self-reflection on who we are as people, before leaving room for the skills we have as educators.

Loving yourself is the first necessary step to live your life fully and, to achieve this, you cannot ignore a profound knowledge of yourself, of the people close to you, of our desires, of relationships, of the risks inherent in many social dynamics. Sex-Ed is an act of love towards oneself. Emotional education provides all the tools for self-protection. The world of relationships and society pose challenges and risks that we must know how to face in order to feel good and fully enjoy our sexual, emotional and social life.”

After the first introductory meeting in which the concept of CSE was explored, opening the doors to a broad and inclusive vision of the different dimensions of sexuality, the trainers Lidia Oteri, Giada Saguto and Gea Di Bella addressed, through theoretical elements and non-formal activities, crucial topics such as gender, sexual health, relationships, disability and sexuality, gender-based violence and intersectionality. The meetings, organized by EPYC, were an opportunity for profound sharing and growth for all participants.

“It was very interesting to discuss the issues of gender-based violence, because, in my little experience with educational approaches, I have always experienced difficulties in explaining and making people understand what it is”.

Now, with the tools refined during the meetings and the support of the local Sex-Ed Council, newly trained educators will experiment some of the activities carried out together with groups of teenagers, on a journey of discovery and awareness.

“It was a great opportunity to fill gaps, confirm previously learned knowledge and learn new things. My mind is full of new input. Once the overall experience has settled, I will certainly use all the materials provided and I believe that a new communication channel will be created between me and the students”.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to learn more about the project and upcoming initiatives, or contact Francesca Barbino: francesca.barbino@cesie.org.

About the project

Love Act – Living positive and intersectional sexuality education for gender-based violence prevention is funded by CERV-2022-DAPHNE programme.


For further information

Read the project sheet, visitwww.thegendertalk.eu and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Contact Francesca Barbino: francesca.barbino@cesie.org.

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