Liberty EU – Responding to the current impact of Covid-19

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Home » Migration » Liberty EU – Responding to the current impact of Covid-19

The Liberty project gives young emerging artists under the age of 30 the possibility to carry out important experiences and analyse the concepts of Liberty through different artistic methodologies.

The new global situation that afflicts the whole planet, brings the project to live new challenges never faced before.

During this time, Liberty EU and its 12 partners commit to continuing to explore ambitious and creative experiences for people, and to advocate for culture and creativity as a way to help respond to and understand the situation.

First, Liberty EU’s priority is to keep audiences, artists and creators safe. The initial programme of activity, which was due to start in May, has been postponed with live events to return later in the year when it is safe to do so.

Liberty EU partners continue to provide commissioning opportunities for young artists to profile their artwork in these uncertain times. Whilst Liberty EU awaits reduced travel and physical restrictions, young artists are working with partners behind the scenes to continue the creative process and connect to creators in other countries through online methods until planned activity is possible again.

About the project

LIBERTY – A New European Generation – Exploring Freedom and Identity through Creative Integration is cofunded by CREATIVE EUROPE_ CULTURE Cooperation projects Category 2 – Larger scale cooperation projects.


For further information

Read more about the project.

Contact Giovanni Barbieri,



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