Art and entrepreneurship for young people with autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome

Friday 9 June 2023

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TUA – The Unexpected Artrepreneur is a new European project created with the aim of creating inclusive learning spaces through art.

The project aims to create a specialised programme and training course focusing on art and entrepreneurship and targeting young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Down Syndrome (DS).

During TUA, these topics will be addressed in order to help girls and boys develop skills such as self-expression, innovation and social participation, thus facilitating their inclusion in education and society.

Specifically, the project will provide a programme on how to support young people with intellectual disabilities to become agents of change through art. The partner organisations in the project will then develop an interactive e-learning platform for those working in the field and for young people with intellectual disabilities, as well as a digital toolkit designed for teaching notions of art and social entrepreneurship.

The expected results are: improved social inclusion and greater involvement of and by marginalised young people; the creation of inclusive learning spaces and programmes; the improvement of the quality, innovation and recognition of the work carried out by and by young people with ASD/SD; and the promotion of active citizenship and initiative.

TUA emphasises the importance of art and entrepreneurship as tools to promote equality, equity and respect. It also aims to foster diversity and inclusion in education, training and among young people. By inviting those who are marginalised to share their stories and ideas, ‘The Unexpected Artrepreneur’ seeks to promote civic engagement, but also to strengthen the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship among young people.

Learn more about TUA, visit the project website:

About TUA

TUA – The Unexpected Artrepreneur is a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme: Key Action 2, Partnerships for Cooperation – Youth.


For further information

Read more about TUA, visit the webpage, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Contact Suzanne Ott:

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