The MOVE methodology: gamification and storytelling as educational tools for young people

Monday 24 June 2024

Home » Migration » The MOVE methodology: gamification and storytelling as educational tools for young people

Improving young people’s social awareness of the reality of migration and common European values and fostering their active role in society through innovative training workshops is the main objective of MOVE.

After the February training of youth workers in Valencia, the MOVE methodology and the materials it contains were improved and completed and finally used with groups of young people in Italy, Spain, Belgium and Cyprus.

Two workshops were held in Italy, on 24 May and 12 June, in which a total of 21 young people from different cultural backgrounds participated.

During the two days, the young people experimented with some of the activities and games contained in the MOVE methodology – an innovative methodology based on Gamification and Story Telling – and tried out the Oca Game that was adapted for the project purposes, with the aim of stimulating reflection on the two project themes: migration in Europe and common European values.

The young participants learnt new concepts, increased their awareness and acquired new tools, all in order to actively contribute to the development of inclusive societies that promotes diversity, acceptance and common values.

By helping participants reflect on what a migrant person faces on his or her path to inclusion in the new host society, and by increasing their knowledge about common European values, the Oca Game allowed them to increase their knowledge and become multiplier agents with their peers.

The goose game and the gamification and story-telling activities contained in the MOVE training guide are available for downloador online use on the project website.

Learn more about the MOVE methodology, the Oca Game, the materials produced and the next steps by visiting

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About the project

MOVE – promotion of a Youth Movement organized to make visible the Diverse and Multicultural identity of a Plural Europe is a project funded by Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Small-scale partnership in youth.


For further information

Read more about the project and visit

Contact Giulia Siino:

Get Political: Empowering youth, building democracy

Get Political: Empowering youth, building democracy

Get Political is an innovative initiative that aims to improve the political culture and active participation of young people (15-30 years old) and youth workers. Through inclusive tools, practical experiences and educational resources, the project fills gaps in civic engagement by promoting dialogue between young people and policy-makers. The aim is to train new generations capable of shaping democratic change.