Mathematics for social inclusion: ULM final meeting

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Home » Migration » Mathematics for social inclusion: ULM final meeting

The Universal language of Mathematics is the project that aims at accelerating the process of refugee/migrant students’ integration into a host society through the use of mathematics, promotion of communication amongst refugee/migrant students, their parents, their teachers and native students, and supporting teachers and social workers in tackling early school leaving amongst refugee/migrant students.

ULM project partners have met again in order to evaluate the progress made so far and collaborate on the final tasks and activities that were implemented since the last meeting of the consortium in Oerlinghausen, Germany.

During the meeting partners discussed on the strategic exploitation of the project results through working groups and partners had a preview of one of the main outputs of the project: supplementary materials, specifically activity books for refugee students that are aimed at increasing their success level in schools, using the universal language of mathematics.

The books are constructed by the Turkish partner organisation YCC based on the Turkish, Italian and German intermediate school curriculums with the idea of using “maximum mathematical expression and minimum verbal expression”. In the following stages of the project even these limited verbal expressions will be translated into Italian, German, Arabic and English.

About ULM

ULM – The Universal Language of Mathematics is cofunded Erasmus+, Key Action 2: Co-operation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Strategic Partnership for School Education.


  • Coordinator: YCC (Turkey)
  • IMA (Germany)
  • CESIE (Italy)

For further information

Visit the web site

Contact Maryna Manchenko,

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