ALCE – Exchanging recipes on a flying carpet of flavours. Cultural event in Palermo

Monday 2 December 2013

Home » Migration » ALCE – Exchanging recipes on a flying carpet of flavours. Cultural event in Palermo

alce_evento_webOn November 23th the cultural event of the European Project ALCE  – Appetite for Learning Comes with Eating – took place in Palermo, funded with support of the European Union under the LifeLong Learning Programme – Grundtvig.

The event was organised by CESIE – European Centre of Studies and Initiatives. Many participants took part in this event, including French partners.

The day was divided in two parts: in the morning a cooking workshop took place in the evocative Branciforte Palace, coordinated by both Italian and French women involved in the ALCE project . 20 participants with different age and background took part in this initiative, attending the workshops below:

  • A cauliflower per day keeps the doctor away!
  • A finger in the pie
  • Cultural Fusion (guests from France)

On the other hand, during the afternoon a public event was held at the cultural association Palab. About 100 people participated to the activities carried out during the afternoon, among which: The Fair of Well-Being among cultures, the workshop for children about Healthy and seasonal Food, food-tasting of the dishes prepared during the cooking workshop and Live Cuisine.

This event is a proof that the dialogue between people of different ages and cultural backgrounds could be easily established sharing experiences and culinary traditions.

In November all partners involved in the project have organized a roadmap of cultural events in Paris, Kaunas, Palermo, Liverpool and Innsbruck.


Official website

Recipe book in Italian

FB page 

Photo-Gallery about the event in Palermo


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