Parents’ guide on countering child exploitation in prostitution published

Thursday 22 February 2024

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Commonly one does not encounter the words “prostitution” and “minors” together. Yet, hard as it may be to believe, this phenomenon exists, grows year by year, affects several thousand young people in Europe and affects all social circles. Parents, pillars of their children’s upbringing, can play a key role in the fight against child prostitution because they have the power to positively influence their lives.

The JERICHO parents’ guide is an information tool designed to guide families in responding to potential or confirmed cases of sexual exploitation in child prostitution. It provides suggestions and useful contacts in the area.

The aim of this tool is to raise awareness and talk about the topic, without ever blaming the victims or their entourage, to use simple language, to share questions and doubts so that child prostitution becomes a real topic and that, by making it visible, barriers can be removed that prevent an active fight against it, especially in families.

For further information contact Alice Valenza:

About the project

JERICHO-Speak out to breack down the wall that makes underage prostitution invisilble is a project funded by the CERV-2022-DAPHNE programme.


For further information

Read more about the project.

Contact Alice Valenza:

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