Summer volunteering: Music Festival in the Slovenian coast

Thursday 10 January 2013

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Let’s play with EVS

Do you want to participate in a music festival in Slovenia? CESIE is pleased to offer this opportunity of Euroepan Voluntary Service from 28/06/2013, for 4 weeks. As it is a short-term EVS, who will participate will still have the opportunity to participate in a long-term EVS in the future.

Volunteers will be involved in a variety of artistic activities, which will take place in the beautiful city of Capodistria Koper, the main port in the region that overlooks the Adriatic Sea and offers a variety of shows landscapes and breathtaking views.

The festival will be organized by ‘”Association for culture and education – KID PiNA” which for years has been engaged in the introduction of an educational system innovative in the arts and sustainable development locally, nationally and internationally.

Discover what are the activities of the volunteers in the festival here!

Specific objectives of the project are:

  • To offer the substantive and technical competence and tools for creative promotion and to learn how to use the tools for active participation,
  • To promote ways of active participating of young people by giving them possibility to express their point of view,
  • To encourage development of values and virtues that enrich the personality, such as: activity, autonomy, innovation, creativity, patience with the communication, cooperation and sense of community work,
  • To develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people and to strengthen mutual understanding between different cultural and social backgrounds,
  • Through the products of the project to encouraged the local authorities and the general public to contribute in reducing social disparities.


  • Motivation
  • Interest in youth work (as project manager or head of promotion)
  • Interest in the reflection of cultural events
  • Interest in the social impact of art / culture
  • Journalistic skills
  • Recording skills
  • Editing skills
  • Video/camera shooting skills
  • Design skills
  • Sound production skills

It is not important that the volunteer has all above mentioned skills/ and interests. But we require that he/she has at least one of them and a medium knowledge in English.

Volunteers will be accommodated in the historic center of the city, an ideal place for its central location and its proximity to the area where the festival is held. The pocket money intended for 4 weeks amounts to 85 euro and will be covered all costs related to food.

If you are interested in participating, click here to download the registration form, fill it and send it along with your CV and a motivation letter (which explains why and how you want to participate in the project), both documents in English, to the following email address:

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