Last autumn 2012, the second phase of “NATURAL” project took place, a European Voluntary Service Project of Youth in Action Programme (Action 2). 6 volunteers coming from Austria, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania and Spain spent a month in the reserve Serra Guarneri near the Madonie Park.
Tasks and activities were related to the season, this why different from the first group of volunteers.
In fact this group worked in olive oil production process, production of bio jam, cultivation of plants and fruits of the season and manual works in the structure/building to get ready for the winter.
Volunteers learned about Mediterranean Nature, acquired new social competences and self esteem, thanks to practical work/tasks, and the support of the mentor and coordinator.
From a social point of view, this experience was strong also because of the fact that volunteers stayed for a month long near a reserve, without a regular access to internet. Thanks to the efficient working group, the heterogeneous cultures background of the group and the interest towards nature, they lived this circumstances positively. Most of them increased their awareness on Environmental issue and Sustainability.
The experience of this group, as well as of the first one, will be collected in a booklet, realised by the volunteers during their voluntary service.
For further information, please contact Stefania Giambelluca at