By the 31th of July the lifetime of the project M3 = Migrants – Minorities – Mobilities, LLP Grundtvig Learning Partnerships funded by the Directorate General Education and Culture of the European Commission is finished.
CESIE, is pleased to present you the result of the local action published soon in language versions Italian/English, French, Arabic.
The “Pagine Colorate – The Colorful pages” – (kind of migrant focused Yellow Pages) is a guide addressed to all migrants and refugees living in Palermo, as well as to institutions, support centres and any kind of offices providing services active in this field in the City of Palermo.
We realized that immigrants are often not fully aware of all services, facilities and opportunities available to them for a proper integration process due to their language barriers and a precarious knowledge of the urban network.
It is to answer this need and to make the situation clearer and more accessible to newcomers, that CESIE has proposed to collect all these information in a single guide, to create a sort of “actors-book” of associations for the benefit of all citizens.
CESIE would like to thank Nomads and Migrants Office- Social and Welfare Services Area of the Municipality of Palermo for having contributed in our mapping and cataloging of Palermo’s associations/institutions working in field of migration.