Europe Past Forward

Monday 28 January 2013

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The European Economic and Social Committee has launched one year more its annual video challenge “Europe Past Forward”. More than 90 videos are admitted for public voting, open until February 2nd 2013 at noon. There is only one vote per person and by completing the voting form you will be automatically entered into the draw to win a trip to Bruxelles:

A group of EVS volunteers hosted by CESIE have, independently, presented their video titled “Magic Course of European citizenship”. We invite you to vote for their video in this link.

Palermo as a person. Exhibition of Marija Biljan

Palermo as a person. Exhibition of Marija Biljan

“Palermo come persona” è una mostra di storie illustrate di Palermo. Per sette mesi, abbiamo chiesto ad abitanti stabili e temporanei di immaginare come sarebbe stata Palermo, se fosse una persona: avrebbe un sesso definito, che aspetto avrebbe, quale sarebbe la sua personalità…?

Training opportunities for young migrants

Training opportunities for young migrants

In CESIE, a training on employability has been started and it is addressed to young migrants hosted by some communities for unaccompanied minors and SPRAR for adults, located in Palermo. The training course is made by 8 meetings, 2 times per week, implemented in...