Don’t stop, make it slow

Friday 31 August 2012

Home » In Action » Mobility » Don’t stop, make it slow

Don't stop make it slowSlow city….

Young people from Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania will discover together how cities can acquire a slow rhythm… how  to carry on respecting environment and traditional food, guarantying future of next generation!

How? Conducting a sustainble lifestyle, consuming in a sustainable way earth resources.

The Youth Exchange will be based on the concept of Slow City, created in Italy and developed all over the world. Thanks to no formal activities young participants will exchange opinions and knowledge about the thematic.

The Exchange will take place from the 14th – 23rd September 2012 in Izmir in Turkey.


  • food and accomodation are covered 100%
  • travel cost are covered 70%
  • €60 participation fee

Age limit: 18-25 years. The group leader can be over 25 years old

If you are interested please send your candidature (motivation letter) to, mentioning your age, residence city and possibly your telephone number.

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