A step for a Green Future EVS in Kalâa kébira

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Home » In Action » Mobility » A step for a Green Future EVS in Kalâa kébira

ambienteThe association AJMEC ( www.ajmec.org ) is looking for an EVS volunteer in “A step for a Green Future” a project within EUROMED IV.

The Hosting organism: Youth Center of Kalâa kébira ( www.mj-kk.org ), and the project will be running in the city of Kalâa Kebira a Tunisian city , in Susa district.

Kalâa Kebira is a city of Tunisian Sahel , 12 km north from Susa and 130 km southern from capital city Tunisi.

The project aim to sensitize the local community, starting from youngsters to a green lifestyle and to give education about ecological subjects in the neighborhood of Kalâa Kebira.

Volunteers will be involved in performing the following tasks: animate an ecological club in the youth center of Kalâa kébira (MJKK). Take care and maintenance of youth centre of kalaa Kebira green space. Animation of mass activities with respect to the theme of environment and ecology for youth of the MJKK.

To Develop a virtual library, through tools such as CDs, blogs, multimedia presentations, about the local ecological diversity. This library will serve as a database for young researchers and users.

Take part in the activities of the club AGENDA 21 about environment and sustainable development such as:

Participate in visits organized by the Itinerant Youth Center to the rural regions, ( it is possible to use Ajmec’s ten new bikes) and participate in social activities organized by local organizations and associations (JCI, Red Crescent , Ajmec …) ; and celebration of world and national days.

The project will last 6 months from the first of November to 3o April 2012.

For candidatures please contact mobility@cesie.org

Candidatures will be considered until 5/04/2011.


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