A new university cooperation experience started under the three-year national Tempus project, Governance Reform priority, EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th call:
The wider objective is to enable application of the state-of-the-art management system at Armenian HEIs for promoting effective and efficient structural changes in line with Bologna agenda thus enhancing HEIs autonomy and accountability.
- The specific objectives target enhancement of autonomy and accountability of HEIs through:
• building on the capacity of administrative staff for managing system changes efficiently
• revising the legal (system level) and regulatory (HEI level) frameworks in line with Bologna action lines;
• establishing the state-of-the-art university management system through overhaul of approaches to system changes: strategic, financial and human resource management
• introducing working approaches to student-centered educational provisions: ECTS and academic programme management to assure quality and promote student mobility.
- The principle outcomes/outputs include:
• Building on capacity of top and middle level administration to enable Bologna action lines implementation;
• New legal (system-wide) and regulatory (HEIs) frameworks in line with Bologna lines;
• State-of-the-art management system based on new approaches to strategic and structural management, budget allocation, human resource management;
• Indicators and criteria for academic programme and student mobility operationalization;
• New approaches to managing academic programmes and office of academic affairs and registrar (installation of student portal and student affairs information management system).
The HEIs are from a single CIS country – Armenia. It will allow deeper understanding of the needs of developing systems and customization to specific country and institutions priorities.
For further information please contact Luisa Ardizzone, luisa.ardizzone@cesie.org