How to implement a reform of the financing system of Kyrgyzstan’s universities that would foster their greater autonomy, competitiveness, and innovation?
Key players from Kyrgyzstan’s academic landscape participated in the two-day seminar focused on strengthening the financial autonomy of universities. The conference, part of the project DEFA was held from 6 to 7 December 2023 at Osh State University.
The main objectives of the workshop were to review the progress made in the first year of the DEFA project, deliberate and ratify the strategy for the development of financial autonomy among universities and discuss the roadmap for the implementation of the financial autonomy model.
The inaugural day began with a welcome speech by Rector of Osh State University Prof. Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov, followed by insights from DEFA project coordinator Prof. Nurlan Omurov and Kyrgyz State Technical University Rector Prof. Mirlan Chynybaev. Notable highlights include a comprehensive review of DEFA project activities over the last year and an interactive session led by European experts, examining expectations and future actions regarding teachers’ work plans, funding mechanisms and communication.
Reports from partner universities were presented, detailing the implementation of various plans within the project. These reports included deployment plans, quality assurance systems, sustainable development strategies and progress updates on the project work plan. This gave rise to in-depth discussions and exchanges, fostering a shared understanding among participants.
The second day started with a tour of the Ak-Buura campus. Sessions focused on drafting the financial self-reliance strategy and roadmap for implementation, drawing on OVGU experiences and discussions on staff selection mechanisms. Furthermore, the focus was on discussions on how to ensure the sustainability of the DEFA project, led by CESIE.
The main outcome of the workshop is the unanimous approval of the Strategy for Financial Self-Reliance and the roadmap for its implementation.
This workshop is a evidence to Kyrgyzstan’s commitment to promoting financial independence among its universities, pushing the nation’s academic sector towards greater sustainability and development.
About the project
DEFA – Development of financial autonomy of universities in Kyrgyzstan is a project funded by the program DG EAC, Erasmus+, KA2 Capacity Building Higher Education. It has the objective of implementing a reform of the financial management systems of Kyrgyzstan universities that favors greater university autonomy, competitiveness and innovation.
- KSTU – Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (Kyrgyzstan, Coordinator),
- DA MFA KR – Uchrezhdeniye Diplomaticheskaya Akademiya Ministerstva Inostrannykh Del Kyrgyzskov Respubliki Imeni Kazy Dykambayevicha Dikambayeva (Kyrgyzstan),
- IUK – International University of Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan),
- IUK – Issykkul State University Named After K.Tynystanov (Kyrgyzstan),
- OshSU – Osh State University (Kyrgyzstan),
- TalSU – Talas Mamlekettik Universiteti (Kyrgyzstan),
- NSU – S. Naamatov Naryn State University (Kyrgyzstan),
- AU – Adam University (Kyrgyzstan),
- ISM – International School of Medicine Institution (Kyrgyzstan),
- AIU – Ataturk-Alatoo International University (Kyrgyzstan),
- AVUZ – Association of legal entities “Association of Universities of the Kyrgyz Republic” (Kyrgyzstan, Partner associato)
- MES KR – Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan, associate partner)
- OVGU – Otto-Von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg (Germany)
- CESIE (Italy),
- UNIFI – Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze (Italy)
For further information
Read the project sheet and visit the Facebook group.
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