Teachers needs to enhance their basic knowledge and receive adequate training to educate on gender issues.
As part of the free informational event called EU School – School and Europe: for quality, equitable and inclusive education organized annually by CESIE to offer tools, practices and methodologies to empower the teaching profession, the MY-ID My Identity, My Idea to be Myself project will be presented and especially the project’s results, including:
- The Handbook for Teachers: with activities to be carried out in the classroom during specific subjects to integrate sexual and gender sensitivity and a Teacher’s Guide on how to implement the activities.
- The Handbook for Parents: Compendium of activities (related to the proposed methodology) for parents on how to discuss and understand sexual and gender diversity to directly involve them in the educational process; and the Information Brochure for Parents.
The MY-ID project supports a comprehensive approach and specific educational actions to address intersectional discrimination and inequality experienced on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual characteristics in school.
The specific goals of the project are:
- To increase sensitivity to sexual and gender diversity in secondary schools.
- To give teachers the opportunity to begin training on the gender issues and how to deal with potential conflicts arising from them.
- To inform and guide parents to understand and tolerate/accept sexual and gender diversity.
The free and open event will be held on Nov. 6 starting at 2:30 p.m. at Camplus Palermo, Via dei Benedettini, 5, Palermo, Ground Floor Auditorium Room.
Remember to register, seats are limited: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-eu-school-scuola-ed-europa-per-uneducazione-di-qualita-equa-e-inclusiva-747687061127