VOIP: Training for Over 50, overcoming prejudices and face the challenge of an aging European population.

Monday 28 June 2010

Home » Adult » VOIP: Training for Over 50, overcoming prejudices and face the challenge of an aging European population.

This is what it sets out the European Project “VoIP”: identifying the needs of employers and workers and establishing a curriculum centered on the knowledge that “make a difference in the labor market”.

The European project “VoIP” aims to identify and satisfy the learning needs of workers and unemployed people over 50, moving from those which are the needs and demands of SMEs in different European countries. The project is developed under the LLP – Leonardo da Vinci -Transfer of Innovation, and will deliver a series of training modules targeted to over 50. The online training course will cover in particular ICT and languages (English, French and German) and will be activated from April 2011. In addition to CE.SIE Onlus, the project partners are: Danmar Computers (Poland), Radar-B (France), KNOW AND CAN Association (Bulgaria) and Ciberespacio SL (Spain)
People over 50 represent one of the groups most at risk, losing their jobs at that age makes them extremely difficult to get back into the labor market, the reasons are varied and complex. Certainly stereotypes, lack of computer skills or language, lack of mobility or predisposition to learn are often factors related to job placement difficulties faced by older people.
The VoIP project contains one of the most important challenges that the European Union will face in coming years: the irreducible aging population and labor force. Demographic trends leave no doubt, Europe is becoming older, we need to invest on older workers and put them in a position to contribute to productive activities.

Voip will use the model of collaborative learning already experienced in recent years within the European project RAVT, coordinated by CE.SIE Onlus. The training will be adapted and implemented on the basis of the specific target and the results of needs.
The training activities will in fact preceded by a field research to identify on one hand, the needs and expectations of small and medium sized entrepreneurs, on the other hand preferences work of over 50.

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