Training courses for over 50’s: Voip testing phase concluded

Friday 28 October 2011

Home » Adult » Training courses for over 50’s: Voip testing phase concluded

Voip testOnly a couple of weeks ago the testing phase of Voip – a training course for over 50 about new technologies, teleworking and English language – finally concluded.

The project Voip, developed within the program LLP – Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation, has led to the development of four different training packages, based on the method of the 8 Stages.

Between June and September 2011, a target group of over 50 workers, trainers and businessmen, followed the online course and participated to the meetings, supported by tutors specialized in the different fields.

The course was set contemporarly in five different European Countries and, besides CESIE, the other partners involved in the project are: Danmar Computers (Poland), Radar – B (France), Know and Can Association (Bulgaria) and Ciberspacio SL (Spain).

The project was mainly developed  in three stages; at first partners assessed the formative needs of over 50 workers and unemployed , through a series of interviews directed to workers and businessmen of the PMI of the five European Countries.

Afterwards, the Voip Pilot Course – a training path focused on the competences that “make the difference” in the work market.

The testing phase finally enabled the optimization of the course, making it even more suitable to over 50’s students.

Project Voip deals with one of the main challenges the European Union will face in the next years, that is the population aging, and it plans to contribute and increase the chances of professional integration and growth of over 50 workers.

For more information visit the website or send and email to


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