StartUp2: New extra European destinations with Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Friday 4 May 2018

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StartUp2: New extra European destinations with Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

4 May 2018Adult

World you like to start a new business?

Have you ever imagined that you could learn the secrets of entrepreneurship from an expert entrepreneur in the USA, Israel and Singapore?

Today there are 41 countries where you can find you ideal entrepreneur participating in Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. Thanks to the pilot project EYE Global which has just been launched by the European Union, three extra EU countries has joined the programme: United States (New York and Pennsylvania), Israel and Singapore.

For these three new destinations, 120 exchanges addressed to new entrepreneurs resident in the 28 European Union countries have been planned. As for all the other destinations, even for the exchanges in these three countries, a financial support is provided in order to support the new entrepreneur during the stay abroad.  Moreover, travel cost reimbursement varies according to the destination country. Exchanges in the Unites States, Israel and Singapore can last from 1 to 3 months.

The StartUp2- Start, Run & Grown your Business project implements the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. It gives new entrepreneurs or those who have started their own business within the last three years the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs abroad in order to strengthen the skills they need to develop your business and help you to start your business through an exchange of 1-6 months financed by the European Union.

With this programme, the host entrepreneur has the chance to get input from the fresh ideas, energy and new skills of a motivated new entrepreneur, to acquire knowledge of new markets, to develop new international contacts and decide to continue your collaboration, possibly as long-term business partners.

Host entrepreneurs list for USA, Israel and Singapore will be available from May 2018 in EYE IT Tool and the new entrepreneurs interested in an exchange in one of these three new destinations will be able to search for their ideal entrepreneurs here starting from this month.

What are you waiting for?

Register to the programme!

About the project

The StartUp2 project is funded by the DG GROWTH, COSME – Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.

With the Startup2- Start, Run & Grow your Business project, CESIE is your local contact point and supports the new and host entrepreneurs during all the stages of the registration to the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, search of their ideal entrepreneur and during the implementation of the exchange.

For further information

Read more about StartUp2.


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