The 5th and final partner meeting of the SMART project took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on May 30th 2016.
SMART – Second Chance Schools Working with Systematic Measurement of Outcomes is a project funded by the European Commission in the framework of Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education.
The meeting was hosted by Copenhagen Youth School (Kobenhavns Kommunes Ungdomsskole), and it gave all partners an opportunity to review the progress of the project, and especially the delivery of the main project outputs.
During the meeting, special attention was paid to the final version of the Systematic Measurement System e-platform, the main output of the project allowing teacher/trainer to create questionnaires in order to assess the learners’ soft skills. The partners acknowledged the current impact of the SMART project, and discussed on how to ensure the future sustainability of its main results.
The meeting allowed all partners (Kobenhavns Kommunes Ungdomsskole – Denmark, Euricon – Netherlands, CESIE – Italy, Art27 – Belgium, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board – Ireland, Esjberg Kommune Ungdomsskole – Denmark, Aalborg Universitet – Denmark) to overview the final steps to be carried out by the end of the project, which will come to an end in August 2016, and to carry out a general evaluation about the two-year cooperation within the partnership.
A part of the meeting was also dedicated to the preparation of the 5th Multiplier Event, which ws held on May 31st 2016 in Copenhagen.
The event addressed the tools, reflections and results developed within SMART on how to develop an evidence-based practice in Second Chance Education, and it saw the participation of the project partners as well as many local stakeholders.
The one-day conference included a key-note speech on the use of evidence-based practice by Niels Ploug, Director of Social Statistics at Statistics Denmark, but also a lecture about youth at risk, motivation and learning, and introductions to tools from the project.
The event featured an active involvement of young people from Second Chance Education paths, who participated in its organisation and played a concert for the audience.
The participants received a reading copy of the draft Teachers’ handbook developed within the project, and were shown how to use the SMS e-platform developed within the project.
The event ended with a reflection and debate about the tools developed within SMART, and their possible impact on second chance education.
For more information about the final steps of the project and to browse the outputs of the project please visit , like us on Facebook or write to