Meeting LION – Learning, lIving, wOrking for Neet-group

Thursday 10 October 2013

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LION (Learning, lIving, wOrking for Neet-group)

Third Meeting – Palermo 10-12 October 2013

LIONFrom October the 9th until the 12th, the 7 partners of LION project (Learning, lIving, wOrking for Neet-group) – supported by the European Commission (Lifelong Learning Programme – Grundtvig Multilateral Projects) will gather in Palermo and deepen the work already achieved to support social operators working with NEET groups (Not in Employment Education or Training).

A public session will be organized on Friday the 11th, opened to all social workers interested in the topic of NEETs. This 1h30 training session will be led by two renowned and experienced professionals : Maria Bognár from the Foundation for School Development (Hungary) and Reinhold Schiffers from Weiterbildungskolleg (Germany). They will deepen the relationship of NEET groups with three interlinked fields : daily life, learning environment and work issues.

This event is totally free and open to anybody interested in the issue.

Where: CESIE, Via Roma 94, Palermo

When: Friday the 11th of October, 11.30 am.

At 11am a refreshments will be offered before the beginning of the course.

Besides this public event, the goal of the Palermo’s meeting is to report on the progress of the project, and to encounter local realities and stakeholders involved in the work with this specific target. The actions already achieved will be evaluated and the next steps planned.

Through a various range of activities, LION pursues the objectives of connecting the worlds of learning, living, and working in NEET work, improving the skills and capacities of teachers, trainers, mentors and relevant institutions, promoting the social social and economic inclusion of NEETs.

It is carried out by different organisations : Doncaster College (UK), Euricon (The Netherlands), E2C-Norrkopin – Hagagymnasiet (Sweden), Iskolafejlesztsi Alapitvany IFA (Hungary), Centro Studi e Iniziative Europeo – CESIE (Italy), E2C73 (France) and WBK – Weiterbildungskolleg der Stadt Moenchengladbach (Germany).





Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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