Do you work with NEETs? Discover our platform!

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Home » Adult » Do you work with NEETs? Discover our platform!

Nowadays continuous development is not only expected from learners: today’s societies and economies need teachers and trainers that prepare their learners for a rapidly changing environment. An environment that will never return to a stable past, an environment in which everyone needs up-to-date skills.

If you wish to hold yourself to the same standards as your learners, then we cordially invite you to visit the platform to learn what has been done to support teachers/trainers and its practitioners in developing. On this platform you find tools to challenge yourself and your learners, and it’s growing for and by teachers and trainers in second chance education in Europe.

The team organized the final conference of the DISCO – DIgital Second Chance Opportunities – project (funded by the Erasmus plus Programme), in Brussels. The conference took place on Thursday, June 23 from 9.00-13.00 at the Sicilian region office in Brussels. The event was free to attend.

During the conference the process and results of two years of European collaboration were presented, moreover participants got the chance to interact with the driving forces behind the project. The conference was an opportunity to connect with experienced colleagues and lay the foundations of future partnerships.

During the conference the project leader Reinhold Schiffers (WBK Mönchengladbach, DE), with over 30 years’ experience working with disadvantaged youngsters, explained how it is important to share best practice examples with colleagues, and to reflect on what we usually do from new perspectives. For our students we wanted to fill a gap through the development and implementation of a mobility program, which is designed specifically for the needs of disadvantaged youngsters. With the development of online available peer and self-assessment instruments, trainings for practitioners and best practice examples, we have achieved these goals in two years of intensive work.

Katrine Bengtsson and Martijn Senden (BETAWERK, NL), presented the Platform and its component parts/tool kit/resources. Irene Pizzo (CESIE, IT) and Sylwia Kurszewska (CKU Sopot, PL), presented the learner experiences of the students which did an internship in Mönchengladbach, DE) and Bristol (UK), using video clips from learners and case studies presentation. Finally Chris Janssen (Stichting EURICON, NL), the project coordinator closed the conference with conclusive remarks.

A representative of the European Commission-DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, Mrs Ann Vanden Bulcke, took part in the conference presenting challenges and opportunities of working in Second Chance Education in Europe.

Missed our ‪#‎FinalConference?, or you want look up a feature of the platform? Then don’t fret: All presentations are available online!

Visit our online community and get in contact with practitioners outside our project group on Facebook and Twitter! For more information about the project please contact Irene Pizzo

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