WAPPY – What’s APP Youth! Entrepreneurship skills through ICT

Friday 29 January 2016

Home » Youth » WAPPY – What’s APP Youth! Entrepreneurship skills through ICT

WAPPY - What’s APP Youth! Entrepreneurship skills through ICTTraining young people and youth workers in entrepreneurship through ICT-Mobile Application based mechanisms and non-formal methodologies is the goal of WAPPY!, a new Capacity Building for Youth project co-funded by Erasmus+.

The project is coordinated by Pistes-Solidaires (France) and has as partners, in addition to CESIE (Italy), Semper Avanti Stowarzyszenie (Poland), YSDA Inc.-Youth for Sustainable Development Assembly Inc. (Philippines), FSL India – Field Services and intercultural Learning India (India).

Through this project partners aim to understand the needs, content and accessibility issues surrounding young people participation in entrepreneurial trainings through ICT methodologies. The project with the help of Youth Workers, ICT Experts and young people themselves will be able to come up with concrete ideas how this may work.

The kick-off meeting took place in Pistes-Solidaires’ office in Pau, France from 12th and 13th January 2016.

It was the opportunity to clarify all issues pertaining to the project implementations and partners responsibilities and obligations as well as the tasks and roles each one has to cover until the end of the project.

In the first phase of the project, partners are involved on writing the content of the international training which will be in Manila (Philippines), in the selection of the Youth workers and on supervising their research on local level.

During the international training held in Manila (Philippines) from 1st to 10th of May 2016, the concepts and basic ICT skills will be taught, and exposure to how ICT is used in enterprises in reality will be provided by the youth workers who are practitioners of entrepreneurship training.

Then, after local meetings, a conference will be held in Bangalore (India) in order to consolidate all results of the in-country consultation on ICT and Entrepreneurship with young people and youth workers.

If you are a youth worker interested in entrepreneurship and ICT topics and you would like to join the project, please write to caroline.dickinson@cesie.org.

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