AG4C – Socio-emotional competences through Active Games

Friday 7 August 2020

Home » Youth » AG4C – Socio-emotional competences through Active Games

More than one million children are incarcerated worldwide at any one time (UNICEF, 2008) deeply affecting their social, educational and economic prospects. ActiveGamesforChange (AG4C) aims to support young people in conflict with the law in the acquisition and usage of key competencies to facilitate inclusion, education and employability, by developing an innovative framework of learning environments and materials.

Despite some initial setbacks encountered due to Covid-19 restrictions, project partners have been working hard in the last few months to develop a set of games as sports-like activities divided by levels to support educators to deliver the activities to young offenders (both from secure or community settings) and develop their socio-emotional competences. These include self-awareness and self-management skills, becoming responsible decision-makers, improving their relationship skills and being more socially aware. Educators working with young offenders and young people themselves will also be supported by an innovative app that will allow them to follow the games and track their progress.

Partners have almost already completed these materials. Even if they could not meet face-to-face in in May 2020 in Romania to discuss about them due to Covid-19, they did meet online on 7th July 2020 and plan the project’s next steps.

Coming up

Each partner will organize a Validation workshop in October 2020 with experts and stakeholders from the Youth and Sports fields to fine-tune the games and app. Moreover, partners and trainers will be trained in November 2020 in Portugal and then kick-off the piloting of the games with educators and young offenders from secure and community settings in January 2021.  

Do you work in the Sports or Youth field? Are you a community for minors in conflict with the law? Contact us and find out more about all ActiveGamesforChange has to offer.

About the project

ActiveGames4Change: Sports and Physical Activity Learning Environment for Citizenship, Emotional, Social e-Competences is cofunded by Erasmus+, KA3 Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education, training and youth.


The project activities are managed by the following partners:

For further information

Read more about ActiveGames4Change.

Contact Cloé Saint-Nom,

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