Opportunity for teachers: gamification & M-learning to foster language learning

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Home » School » Opportunity for teachers: gamification & M-learning to foster language learning

Are you an Italian or English language teacher looking for new idea to liven up your lessons? Do you work in a primary or lower secondary school? Would you like to increase students’ interest in language learning and promote the development of their language skills at the same time? Thus, the Teacher Training Curricula of BoysLingo project is just what you need!

As highlighted in a previous article, latest studies assert that there is a significant gender gap between girls and boys in the development of language skills, especially reading skill, identifying motivation for learning as one of the main cause. Such a gap can later lead to not only professional but also social disadvantage.

The BoysLingo partners are offering you the chance to follow a training curriculum at your own pace and when you have time, specifically aimed at encouraging teachers just like you to reflect on their own teaching practice and giving you support in organizing and implementing inclusive learning activities based on Mobile learning and Gamification, in order to increase students’ engagement in language lessons, allowing them to acquire relevant skills while having fun!

The 3 modules are hosted on the e-learning platform https://elearning.boyslingo.eu/ via registration are divided by areas (Language Learning and Gender Gap; Incorporating Mobile Pedagogy in the Classroom & Applying Gamification in the Learning Design) and after their completion it is possible for you to download the training certificate, so as to enrich your CV with a solid learning experience focusing on the relationship between language learning and gamification as a unique solution to bridge the gender gap in this field. And, since it is true that learning is a never-ending process, we kindly invite you to help us further improve our curriculum by filling in the evaluation form once finished all three modules. Your contribution is invaluable for us, as it will allow as to understand whether the proposed content really meets your learning needs and will help us identify the aspects that deserve to be improved.

Visit the platform by clicking here https://elearning.boyslingo.eu/, register and complete the 3 modules to download the certificate. Don’t forget to fill in the form to let us know what you think!

For more information contact Alice Schirosa: alice.schirosa@cesie.org.

About the project

BoysLingo – Enhancement of boys’ language skills through gamified mobile learning is financed by DG EAC, Erasmus+ Programme, KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education.


For further information

Read more about BoysLingo, visit the web page https://boyslingo.eu/ and follow us on Facebook.

Contact Alice Schirosa: alice.schirosa@cesie.org.

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SCIREARLY Toolkit: successful practices for reducing school dropout and underachievement

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