[su_heading size=”20″]LEGME – Guidelines for mentors and mentoring programme coordinators[/su_heading]
Guidelines for Mentors and Mentoring Programme Coordinators has been developed within the Learning to Be a Good Mentor (LeGMe) project, a 2-year Grundtvig Learning Partnership project. The guidebook is structured around three major chapters, and is conceived as an interactive tool. We share questions that our partnership has considered carefully while developing the various mentoring programmes, as well as reminders of details and – wherever we can – practices that we have found effective.
Target: Children, youth, adults
[su_button url=”https://cesie.org/media/legme-guidelines.pdf” target=”blank” background=”#eee” color=”#333″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”10″ icon=”icon: file-pdf-o” icon_color=”#333″]Download LEGME guidelines[/su_button]