European implementation of CAPPYC – Cannabis Abuse Prevention Program for Young Consumers and evaluation of their results using a scale measuring attitudes towards drug use

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  • To provide a new selective prevention approach (CAPPYC) contrasted in Spain to other European countries. Its main aim is to work positive attitudes towards cannabis use in young European consumers by increasing their critical capacity and by helping them to responsible and autonomous decision making.
  • To work with institutions linked to universities to scientifically analyze the work done with CAPPYC.
  • To update and adjust the existing Spanish materials to implement the program in other European realities (Portuguese, Romanian and Italian).


  • To design and create a specific website for the program for the purpose of serving as a tool of exchange between the partner countries.
  • To create a European network of exchange of information on intervention in evidence-based prevention through the website in five languages (English, Spanish, Romanian, Italian and Portuguese).
  • To conduct a pilot experience of CAPPYC in Portugal, Romania, Italy and Spain with approximately 2,400 teenagers each, aged 15-18 years.
  • To build a scale measuring attitudes towards cannabis use from other scales based on European experiences.
  • To validate the scale and evaluate the results through a pre-post experimental design with a control group in each country.


  • Coordinator: Fundación de ayuda contra la drogadicción FAD (Spain)
  • Fundación UNED – FUNED (Spain)
  • Universidad Miguel Hernández UMH (Spain)
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa UCP (Portugal)
  • Asociata pentru Motivare si Schimbare AMOS (Romania)

The project

European implementation of CAPPYC – Cannabis Abuse Prevention Program for Young Consumers and evaluation of their results using a scale measuring attitudes towards drug use

Project number

Implementation date

01/04/2014 – 01/12/2015


DG Justice, Drug Prevention and Information Programme (DPIP) – Demand Reduction



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