- To raise awareness of participants about gender issue and how this influence the growing of our European and Mediterranean societies nowadays
- To reinforce the knowledge of participants on women situation in EuroMed Countries and to inform about the different expressions of violence of which the women are objects
- To identify the common problems in European and Mediterranean countries and develop synergic strategies to fight them
- To improve the exchanges between people from diverse contexts and to bring together different cultures and traditions
- To improve quality and impacts of Youth projects
- TC gathering 30 participants from EuroMed Region
- Explanation of the political, economical and cultural framework of EuroMed
- Presentation of the different forms of violence against women represented in EuroMed area (domestic violence, honour crimes, sexual mutilation, trafficking etc) and their geographical presence –movement of cultural specificities
- Reflection groups on the root of this violence
- Development of intercultural strategies to fight against these violence
- Presentation of the Youth in Action program, of the EuroMed Gender Connection network
- Preparation of new youth projects focused on Gender Issues and on fight against violence
- Coordinator: CESIE (Italy)
- EuroMed Movement (Malta)
- CIENA (Portugal)
- Generating Ideas (Estonia)
- Young Moretz Yachad (Israel)
- EU Activities Center (Turkey)
- Arab Forum for Cultural Interaction (Jordan)
- SDA – Sustainable Development Association (Egypt)