Multi-stakeholder workshops on Trafficking in Human Beings in Palermo

Friday 30 May 2014

Home » News » Multi-stakeholder workshops on Trafficking in Human Beings in Palermo

ionontratto_webIn March and April 2014, CISS and CESIE organized four multi-stakeholder workshops on Trafficking in Human Beings, in the framework of the “ROOT project”.

Formally launched by CISS and CESIE in September 2013 and funded by the ISEC Programme of DG Home Affairs of the European Commission, the project promotes researches, trainings for educators, public awareness campaigns in schools and a transnational network among origin and transit countries of human trafficking. ROOT’s aim is to eradicate human trafficking connected to sexual exploitation in the prostitution business.

In order to train local actors and to raise awareness on this phenomenon, the four trainings were organized in Palermo and were specifically adapted for: university students and researchers, young people, civil society organisations, school teachers and pupils.

During the trainings, specific attention was dedicated to the involvement of criminal groups such as mafia in Trafficking of Human Beings and to provide an overview of the legal instruments aimed at fighting against it. One of these is the EU Directive 2011/36, which has recently been adopted by the Italian legal system.

Workshops provided a better understanding of the phenomenon that is often unseen by society and misconceived as a problem related only to prostitution. Next sessions will take place in September and October 2014 and will be dedicated to training social workers, lawyers and judges.

To learn more about this project, please write to Emanuela Salvo at

Progetto ROOT: avviata la campagna di informazione sulla tratta di esseri umani a Palermo

flagThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission (Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of Directorate General for Home Affairs). This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.