Fostering collaboration among key actors working with women survivors of trafficking

Friday 7 August 2020

Home » News » Fostering collaboration among key actors working with women survivors of trafficking

European Networking Day was held on 13&14 July! This online event brought together stakeholders (women, support service providers and employers) from HEAL committees from Italy, Spain, Greece and Romania to exchange good practices and recommendations and to improve transnational cooperation on the topic of support to women victims of trafficking.

We discussed about:

  • the main topics covered during the local round tables with members of HEAL Committees (public reports from roundtables will be available soon);
  • best practices to support women VoT;
  • future recommendations for Recovery and Integration programme and HEAL database.

The event opened a dialogue and encouraged networking and collaboration between key actors working with women victims of trafficking, fostering a shared understanding of the identified needs and rights among women victims of trafficking, employers, and support service providers.

Thanks to all participants and we are looking forward to continue this transnational cooperation!


For further information about HEAL:

  • Read more about the project here .
MOVE: young people in action for an inclusive Europe

MOVE: young people in action for an inclusive Europe

MOVE involved young people from Italy, Spain, Belgium and Cyprus to raise awareness of migration and promote social inclusion and European cohesion. Through workshops, campaigns and the MOVE Goose Game, participants developed empathy and awareness of the challenges related to inclusion. The course concluded with the presentation of the MOVE Decalogue of Inclusion, a tool for more cohesive societies.