Educational meeting of CONGASS: 2014-2020 EU scheduling

Monday 25 November 2013

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Congass - 2014-2020On Monday, November 18 2013, at CESIE, an informational event about the new European scheduling of the period 2014-2020 took place. This event, promoted by the NGO Coordination and Sicilian Associations of Solidarity (CONGASS) , saw the great participation of several representatives of civil society and local associations, and it represented an important non formal training moment about the future of direct and indirect European funds, and the priorities of new EU scheduling.

During the morning, Mario Gay from the Osservatorio Interregionale sulla Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, presented the guide lines of the new multi-yearly financial framework of European Union, highlighting remarkable similarities between this scheduling and the previous 7-years-period one, in the specific field of development cooperation. Afterwards, the officer and consultant Laura Leonardis explained how European social and structural funds will be divided into direct and indirect funds, starting from 2014. Furthermore, she spoke about “PAC (Piano Azione Coesione) Giovani (Action Cohesion Plans for youth)” and “PAC Anziani(Action Cohesion Plans for elderly people)”, aiming at funding services for children, elderly and disabled people.

In the afternoon, Margherita Maniscalco and Sergio Cipolla, from the NGO Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud, spoke about the tool for development cooperation funding (DCI III) of the period  2014-2020 and its main features. Finally, Angela Martinez from CESIE presented the funds managed by the GD of Education and Culture and the DG of Justice of European Commission. The introduction of Erasmus+ programme was particularly important, and it will substitute the existent mobility programmes for students, young people and teachers and it will see a great resources’ increasing, compared to the previous 7-years-period.

The event, followed by other meetings, gave the chance to operators and civil society organizations to confront with the opportunities offered by the new European scheduling, and to exchange opinions about the next challenges in the field of international and European cooperation.

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