Discover and try the new multilingual EU-Xchange platform!

Friday 29 November 2013

Home » News » Discover and try the new multilingual EU-Xchange platform!

EU-XchangeDuring the last year, thousand have joined the EU-Xchange business platform for DG EAC LLP project results. Online interchange of licensing opportunities and marketing solutions [about 87.000 visitors in 2013].

You’re an EU project manager? You’re in charge of human resources? You’re a consultant…..

  • SIGN IN to advertise you own product and access a market of thousands of professionals!
  • REGISTER now and get a free access to our platform, read more about projects and product,
  • and LEARN more on marketing and licensing

…why not get in touch with us for some personalized support?

That’s NEW!

EU-Xchange meets your needs and provide new services to all Grundtvig and LLP project managers!

You need to get some personalized support on marketing? You would like to increase the marketability of you product? You are looking for potential buyers or users?

+PLUS: 3 services to better help you:

  1. online support
  2. phone coach
  3. and why not a face-to-face meeting!

Above new language versions of the platform (DE, ES, FR, IT), it develops additional tools for Grundtvig project co-ordinators and managers (for adult education), to get additional support to build on their capacity to ensure sustainability to their project results and overcome the “educational” barrier of offering their results only to their known “usual” target groups. Therefore, the DCGM Consortium created the “mobile” support, which includes an online, telephone and face-to-face support.

Try our new services and give your product opportunities!

Companies, government agencies, associations, businesses and other interested parties can get information about the latest products, can license and market these (or e-learn how to do it!) straightforward and upload their own projects and products.

Visit EU-Xchange platform and the DCGM project website!

Read our latest Newsletter!

For further information, please contact

Lifelong Learning ProgrammeThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein